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2 posts tagged with "gaming"

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Synchron combo - Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel

· 5 min read


Recently I got back into Yu-Gi-Oh, a popular card game that I used to play when I was a teenager. Synchron is one of my favorite decks, along with Cyber Dragon and Madolche.

This post is where I note down my regular combo with Synchron deck (after Dawn of Majesty booster pack).

Games that are cleared from my backlog (so far) in 2011

· One min read

The list short, but decent, by my standard:

  • The Evil Within (Bethesda)
  • The Evil Within (Bethesda)
  • Dead Space (EA)
  • Utawarerumono Prelude to the Fallen (Aquaplus)
  • Gears 5 (Microsoft)
  • Age of Empires (Microsoft)
  • Metro 2033 Redux (4A)
  • Resident Evil 3 Remake (Capcom)
  • Dishonored (yes, the first one), feelsbadman
  • Yakuza 0